TD Summer Reading Club 2024: To the Stars

Our fundraising campaign is on!

You want to support reading in children? Here’s your chance!

By making a donation to the North Hatley Library for our children’s book club, you’re encouraging children, both experienced and budding readers, to make reading a part of their lives. What’s more, as a registered NPO with a charitable number, your donation is eligible for a tax credit.

Grab your astronaut suit and moon boots and hop aboard our spaceship as we blast off past satellites and asteroids, leaving the Milky Way behind us. Join us as we land on an undiscovered planet and gaze up at never-before-seen star constellations before catching a comet and letting it carry us to galaxy clusters far beyond this world. We’ll bravely peer into the enigmatic void of a black hole and be amazed by the luminous galactic core of a quasar.

When we’re tired from our interstellar travels, we’ll return home to our cozy books and beds where we can gaze out the window to the night sky and contemplate our unique place in this vast and wondrous universe.